perm filename ISIC.MSG[ADM,DBL] blob sn#163800 filedate 1975-06-12 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
∂08-JUN-75  2115		network site ISIC
 Date:  8 JUN 1975 2115-PDT
 Subject: (Response to message)
 To:   DBL at SU-AI
 In response to your message sent 4-JUN-75  4:42 PM PDT
 At this time, ISIC is completely allocated to a number of projects.
 We have given out as much disk space as available and expect to see
 the useage go to the limits shortly.  As for the increased core size,
 that is only momentary.  We expect that our resources will increase
 in about two months.  At that time we would be more able to view
 outside requests (and getting some ARPA backing would aid your 

∂04-JUN-75  1642		AM,DBL
 This is Doug Lenat; I am a third year grad student in the CS Dept. of Stanford,
 and am supported by the Stanford AI Lab. I'm currently working on my dissertation
 ("Automating Simple Theory Formation in Mathematics"), and am running on the
 SRI Tenex system. My advisors are Cordell Green, Bruce Buchanan, and Ed Feigenbaum.
 As for what I want:    Would it be possible for me to use ISIC in the evenings and
 at night, to run my program on?  Here are some of the arguments:
 	1) Using the NETLOAD command, I observe that ISIC is almost always at
 	   at a load average of below 1.0; often below 0.1
 	2) I am exhausting the space on the SRI machine. The swapping space
 	   is of some help, but having to use disk files as arrays is using up
 	   an ureasonable amount of time. On your system, I think that this
 	   problem would disappear, since your core size is twice SRI's.
 	3) We have applied to NSF for a large grant; if this comes through, there
 	   would be some money (~$10k) to pay toward computer time. Otherwise, I
 	   would remain a "charity case" (as I am at SRI now).
 In addition to the time, I would like some file space, but this is not crucial.
 I will use the FTP system to bring my files over to SAIL to list them anyway.
 If you want, I can send you a copy of my dissertation proposal, earlier published
 papers, etc.
 I am contacting YOU because Alan suggested that you field this request to Tom Ellis.
 If you have any questions, my ARPA address is DBL@SAIL, and my phone is
 415-497-1391, 415-497-4971, or 415-329-1031. 
 I'll appreciate anything you can do. 

∂04-JUN-75  1642		AM,DBL
 This is Doug Lenat; I am a third year grad student in the CS Dept. of Stanford,
 and am supported by the Stanford AI Lab. I'm currently working on my dissertation
 ("Automating Simple Theory Formation in Mathematics"), and am running on the
 SRI Tenex system. My advisors are Cordell Green, Bruce Buchanan, and Ed Feigenbaum.
 As for what I want:    Would it be possible for me to use ISIC in the evenings and
 at night, to run my program on?  Here are some of the arguments:
 	1) Using the NETLOAD command, I observe that ISIC is almost always at
 	   at a load average of below 1.0; often below 0.1
 	2) I am exhausting the space on the SRI machine. The swapping space
 	   is of some help, but having to use disk files as arrays is using up
 	   an ureasonable amount of time. On your system, I think that this
 	   problem would disappear, since your core size is twice SRI's.
 	3) We have applied to NSF for a large grant; if this comes through, there
 	   would be some money (~$10k) to pay toward computer time. Otherwise, I
 	   would remain a "charity case" (as I am at SRI now).
 In addition to the time, I would like some file space, but this is not crucial.
 I will use the FTP system to bring my files over to SAIL to list them anyway.
 If you want, I can send you a copy of my dissertation proposal, earlier published
 papers, etc.
 I am contacting YOU because Alan suggested that you field this request to Tom Ellis.
 If you have any questions, my ARPA address is DBL@SAIL, and my phone is
 415-497-1391, 415-497-4971, or 415-329-1031. 
 I'll appreciate anything you can do. 